Discover our suite of AI tools designed to reduce your workload and empower both you and your students
As workload demands within education continue to grow, KiraTest has become an essential tool for creating assessment resources. From material to Assess Prior Learning, to generating SATs-style questions, to GCSE and A Level Exam Board prep, it delivers precise, high-quality content, freeing up teachers to concentrate on their students’ success. Simplify your assessment using AI with KiraTest and focus on what matters most.
Step into the future of education with askKira™ — your AI-powered education assistant. Powered by OpenAI’s advanced technology and honed by over 100 professionals working in education, askKira is uniquely adapted to the UK education system. askKira™ offers personalised support that’s only just a message away.
KiraMark is a user-friendly tool that marks student’s work using AI. It assesses student’s strengths and weaknesses and provides suggested activities to address common misconceptions, saving you time and improving learning outcomes. With KiraMark, the AI Assistant gives whole-class feedback and tailored recommendations, helping you connect even more your student’s learning in less time.