askKira™ is your AI Assistant, always by your side, always ready to help. Built on OpenAI’s technology, refined by over 100 education experts, loaded with all the updated statutory documents from DfE, Ofsted and SEND and with GDPR guardrails for use by UK schools. AskKira is uniquely attuned to the UK education system.
askKira™ supports both your professional life and personal wellbeing, guiding your career development no matter if you’re a teacher or an experienced Senior Leader.
Save time, reduce stress and grow with askKira™ by your side.
From automated marking to creating personalised tests, with askKira™, you are able to save time marking work, creating assessments and focus on supporting learning – giving you more time that can be spent on students.
Resources and support designed by teachers to give you more time to focus on what really matters.
Get instant, practical support for teaching, helping you navigate every step with confidence.
Access resources and ready-made lesson plans, ensuring you always have fresh ideas and materials on hand.
Let askKira™ handle routine tasks like letter writing and policy updates, giving you more time back.
Guidance on self-care and career growth, enabling you to thrive in and out of the classroom.
“i like how kira signposts you to key sources of information - very much like a coach who enables you to move forward, without directing you.”
Designed and built by people working in education. askKira™ helps teachers streamline everyday tasks. From lesson planning and assessments to marking, personalised coaching and career development.
Try askKira™ now to enhance your students’ learning and reclaim valuable time for yourself.